
Hello there! My name is Jan Luca Siewert. I have a Master degree in Mechanical Engineering where I specialised on Computer Science in Engineering and Automation Technologies at the Ruhr University Bochum. Now, I work at the Chair for Digital Engineering and research on digitalisation and Industry 4.0 in general as well as Augmented Reality and AR Content Management for industrial applications.

I developed AR applications for nearly 10 years with different frameworks like Metaio and Vuforio. Now I mostly develop iOS applications with ARKit, with some In recent years, I also focused a lot on Product Lifecycle Management, the Internet of Things, and Data and Knowledge Management. I also frequently develop in Python, JavaScript, and run our backend server infrastructure through Docker. I enjoy learning and applying this knowledge above anything else. I probably spent more time configuring this website to my preferences over creation content. Because I think it is fun.


You can find me on the platforms below. I am most active on Mastodon (@jlsiewert@ruhr.social), where I post mostly in German.
You can also get in touch on Micro.blog (@jl_siewert) or follow @jl@jl.siewert.blog directly from your Mastodon or ActivityPub app of choice.

Social Icons adapted from Font Awesome, licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license.

General information

This website is edited by me mostly for myself. It is a private and non-commercial website. There are no ads, no tracking, no affiliate-links. Just random words. The opinions expressed on this site are solely my own and do not reflect the views of my employer or anybody else.

I write this website mostly for myself. While I try to verify information I post or link here, I am only human. Information and links might contain factual errors or mistakes; information might become outdated without me updating this site. Please keep that in mind. As far as applicable by law, I take absolutely no responsibility or liability for any harm you or anyone else takes for the usage of this website or any of the posted tips and tricks.

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