
The videos from Paris and Notre Dame are just heartbreaking.


Both Conservative and Labour members of Parliament keep voting down one plan after another, looking for the perfect fix, the pain-free exit from the E.U. But there is none, because you can’t fix stupid.

Opinion | The United Kingdom Has Gone Mad - The New York Times

There is nothing worse than paying for a service and then seeing ads.

If you’re working on a groundbreaking, unreleased game and would like it to be considered for Apple Arcade, we’d love to hear from you.

Apple Arcade - Apple Developer

Apple allows developers to apply for Apple Arcade. I am really curious about who gets in.

I just switched to light mode on my Mac by accident. I think my eyes are bleeding.

Mozilla on the new copyright regulation:

With a chance to bring copyright rules into the 21st century the EU [has] […] handed the power back to large US owned record labels, film studios and big tech.

TechCrunch, citing Julia Rede’s speech in the European Parliament

“The most tragic thing about this process is a new generation who are voting in the European elections for the first time this year are learning a lesson: Your protests aren’t worth anything, politics will spread lies about you, and won’t care for factual arguments if geopolitical interests are at stake,”

The EU had the chance to create a modern copyright legislation for the web. Instead, they chose to ignore the concerns of (mostly young) voters and pushed through with the lobbyists agenda.

What a great way to teach young people about democratic values.

I am absolutly unenthusiastic for todays Apple event. There won’t be new hardware and the last thing I need are even more subscriptions.

I’m not super happy with my final Playground but it’s worth a try. Best of luck to everyone else who applied.

Not it’s 3 weeks of waiting for the results. In the meantime, I hope to publish a blog post or two about my work.

Spring is coming!

Today the German Wikipedia is unavailable to protest against the EU copyright reform.

My WWDC scholarship submission is starting to flesh out. I don’t think I will win again and I don’t even know if I could attend if I’d did, but it is fun little project.

The iPad lineup now is nearly as confusing as the MacBook one.

Showerthought: Would customers benefit if Apple were forced to build there services on top of publicly available APIs? That could mean real Siri integration, alternatives to iCloud backups and more. I feel like the answer could be yes.

Time to revive this blog!

My girlfriend made some amazing dinner tonight 😍😋

I really like the Game of Thrones teaser. Can’t wait for April 14. 🍿 📺

It’s been a great year 2018.

I took the holidays off to relax a little but I have set myself some ambitious goals for 2019. Can’t wait to get started.

Is Apple making the right map?

Finally had time to read Justin O’Beirne excellent post about Apple’s new Map, an in-depth dive into all the changes (the good and bad) Apple Mad this year in California.

Essen Light Festival