Nearly done with automating my packing list with Shortcuts and OmniFocus. Thanks @rosemaryorchard and @macsparky!

iPhone Xs comes with aLightning to USB-A cabel and a 5W charger

I am not surprised we haven’t seen iPads or Macs, but they didn’t even mentioned AirPower or Qi charging at all.

HomePod updates. Yeah!

iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max, iPhone Xr, Liquid Retina… those names…

No 3D touch on iPhone XR…

I think I need a new Apple Watch

No Macs, no iPad today…

Following Twitter, and the Mac Power Users Event Streaming Thread is going to be fun!

I am ready!

iMazing 2.6.4 has been released Aug 16, 2018 but is still not available on Setapp where you pay a subscription and already own every upgrade.


Picture of a hambruger and fries

The HomePod gained (limited) Siri Shortcuts support! Unfortunately it seems like all shortcuts run on the phone, not on the HomePod itself right now.

Enjoying good German beer 🍺

Is it worrying or comforting that the 2018 MacBook Pro is not included in the keyboard service program?

This is going to be a great weekend!

There it is! #SiriShortcuts

In less then 24 hours 10 members of the European Parliament decide on the fate of the free internet.

Art 11 and 13 would implement a link tax and upload filters for user created content. Now is your best chance to call them and change their mind.

The HomePod launched in Germany today. But it isn’t even shown on the German Apple homepage – Unlike even the Apple TV 4K.

Apple really doesn’t seem to confident in the HomePod.

Preparing for the ⚽️ game. πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

I was just watching the Siri Shortcuts session from WWDC and it feels like Apple is just gonna kill third party watch apps instead of improving watchKit.

Both notifications and Siri shortcuts can show a custom UI even without an installed watch app.

Siro shortcuts are probably the most interesting addition in iOS 12. Can’t wait to try them out in September. Shortcuts: A New Vision for Siri and iOS Automation – MacStories